Cathy and liz living strong and sexy!

Cathy 53 Years Young - Lost 7 lbs, and gained muscle BUT my biggest change is that I EAT, am not afraid of food and I am proud of myself.

Theresa 55 Years Young - I started on yet another fitness/nutrition journey, BUT, this one was different from any other as it focused solely on me.

Lost 12 1/4” inches & 7lbs, and gained muscle. The best part is I have reduced my disease risk factor to 3.3, national avg. for women in my age group is 4.4. 

If you’re considering embarking on a fitness and nutrition journey, I wholeheartedly encourage you to take the plunge. Your future self will thank you for it!

Liz 62 Years Young - Post menopause and just struggling with the changes in my body, put the nutritional piece together with progressive lifting and changes started to take place. 

I have gained muscle, lost fat, eating MORE food then ever, fueling my body correctly for this stage of my life. I have much more energy, don't feel sluggish mid-afternoon, and feel all around healthier.

Best of all I don't feel derprived of any food, resulting in a MUCH better relationship with food. I still have my weekend drinks & cheats, BUT, with a much different mindset and outlook. 

Let's Get Started

Congrats on taking action to finally get the body you want!

Complete the application below and schedule your No Sweat consult with our owner Liz. 

Can't wait to meet you!

*Spots are limited, only serious applicants please."